Secret Management Service

Category/Support Area: Product Management, Architecture Design, Development Project: Secret Management Service Description: For a large system to work, it requires many credentials such as database username/password, api secrets etc. As security best practice, these secrets should not be stored in version control systems or in physical machines and should be rotated from time to time. […]

Feature Designer Application

Industry/Domain: Healthcare Analytics Category/Support Area: Product Management, Architecture Design, Development Project: Feature Designer Application Description: As a highly customizable analytics tool, the system needs to connect with multiple data sources which contain data for analytics. Feature Designer is a web application to manage connections for various data sources and define metadata structure for data that […]

Marketplace Application

Industry/Domain: Healthcare Analytics Category/Support Area: Product Management, Architecture Design, Integration API design, Prototyping, Development Project: Marketplace Application Description: As a highly configurable analytics tool, each customer deployment requires many configurations. Some of these configurations can be reused between different deployments across customers. Marketplace is a web application to capture, store, transfer application configurations between different […]